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Quotations for supply/preparation of flowers and flowers decoration etc. at AICTE, Hqrs'' New Delhi'
Expression of interest (EOI) Empanelment of insurance brokers For Group medical insurance scheme and Term plan & group personal Accidental plan For contractual employees of AICTE
Notice Inviting e-Tender regarding Kitchen, Catering and Hospitality Services
Inviting Quotations for the award of Contract for Washing, Dry Cleaning of Towels, Curtains, Seat Cover, Bed Sheet, Pillow cover and Blanket etc. for AICTE HQ and AICTE Guest House for a period of one year
Tenders regarding Award of contract for printing of magazines, books, reports, album, certificates, pamphlet, brochures
Preparation of Augmented Reality (AR) experience and 3D Models for IKS Division of MoE
Preparation of Augmented Reality (AR) experience and 3D Models for IKS Division of MoE
Preparation of Virtual Reality (VR) Experience for IKS Division of MoE