ARIIA Ranking Result 2020
ARIIA Ranking Result 2020
ARIIA Ranking Result 2020
Óñ©ÓÑìÓñÁÓñªÓÑçÓñÂÓÑÇ Microprocessor Challenge - Innovate Solutions for #ÓñåÓññÓÑìÓñ«Óñ¿Óñ┐Óñ░ÓÑìÓñ¡Óñ░ Óñ¡Óñ¥Óñ░Óññ
Independence day 2020
Public Notice: Clarification regarding Types of Programmes
Instructions/advise to PGDM institutions during Lockdown/Unlock due to COVID- 19 pandemic
Appointment of Ombudsperson for AICTE approved Institutions
Circular for Embedded System Design MOOC Course
Equivalence/ Relevance of different Engineering/ Technology branches nomenclature
AICTE Environment Policy and Sustainability Initiatives