In exercise of the powers conferred under Section, 3(4) of the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) Act, 1987, the MoE has reconstituted the Council of AICTE w.e.f. 25th oct, 2021.
The composition of the Council is as follows(Click Here to Download MoE communication)
Relevant clause
Name/Designation of Members
Clause 3(4)(a)
Chairman to be appointed by Central Government(l)
Chairman, AICTE
Clause 3(4)(b)
Vice-Chairman to be appointed by Central Government(l)
Vice Chairman, AICTE
Clause 3(4)(c)
Secretary to the Government of India in the Ministry of the Central
Government dealing with education(l)
Secretary(HE), MoE
Clause 3(4)(d)
The Educational Advisor(T) to the Government of India (1)
Additional Secretary(TE), MoE
Clause 3(4)(e)
Four Chairmen of the Regional Committee,ex officio (4)
Chairman, Central Regional Committee (Vice Chancellor, RGPV, Bhopal)
Chairman, Eastem Regional Committee (Director IIT Guwahati, Assam)
Chairman, North Western Regional Committee (Director, MNIT Jaipur)
Chairman, Westem Regional Committee (Director, NITIE, Powai, Mumbai)
Clause 3(4)(f)
(i) to (v) Chairmen of
The All India Board of Vocational Education, ex officio;
The AII India Board of Technician Education, ex officio;
The All India Board of Undergraduate Studies in Engineering and Technology, ex officio;
The All India Board of Post graduate Education and Research in Engineering and Technology, ex officio;
The All India Board of Management Studies, ex officio;
Clause 3(4) (g)
One member to be appointed by Central Government to represent the Ministry of Finance of the Central Government; (Now S&FA,MHRD)
Joint Secretary & Financial Advisor(HRD) , Ministry of Education, Govt. Of India
Clause 3(4) (h)
One member to be appointed by the Central Government to represent the Ministry of Science & Technology of the Central Government(l)
Secretary , Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India
Clause 3(4)(i)
Four members to be appointed by the Central Government to represent the Ministries and departments of Central Govt other than those specified in (g) and (h) above.
Secretary, Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship
Secretary, Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas
Secretary, Ministry of Road Transport & Highways
Secretary, Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation
Clause 3(4)(j)
Two members of Parliament of whom one shall be selected by House of the People and one by the council of States.
Clause 3(4) (k)
Eight members to be appointed by the Central Government by rotation in the alphabetical order to represent the States/ UTs provided that an appointment under this clause shall be made on the recommendation of the Government of the State, or as the case may be, the Union Territory concerned(8)
Secretaries, Techincal Education/Higher Education from:-
Himachal Pradesh
Clause 3(4)(l)
Four members to be appointed by the Central Government to represent the organizations in the field of Industry and Commerce.
Smt. Debjani Ghosh. President, NASSCOM
Shri Sumant Sinha, Senior Vice President, ASSOCHAM
Shri Ramesh Kumar Saraogi, President Bharat Chamber of Commerce, Kolkata
President, Mahratta Chamber of Commerce Industries and Agriculture (MCCIA)
Clause 3(4)(m)
Seven members to be appointed by the Central Government to represent
(i) The Central Advisory Board of Education;
(ii) The Association of Indian Universities
(iii) The Indian Society for Technical Education(ISTE)
(iv) The Council of the Indian Institutes of Technology;
(v) The Pharmacy Council of India(PCI);
(vi) The Council of Architecture(CoA);
(vii) The National Productivity Council
(i) Dr. M. K. Sridhar, Member, CABE
(ii) DG, AIU
(iii) President, ISTE
(iv) Chairman, SCIC, IIT Council
(v) President, PCI
(vi) President, CoA
(vii) DG,NPC
Clause 3(4)(n)
Four r members to be appointed by the Central Government to represent the professionalbodies in the field of technical and managementeducation:
Dr. Raj Agarwal, Director, Center for Management Education, All India Management Association .
Prof. K. K. Aggarwal, Chairperson, National Board of Accreditation
Er. Narendra Singh, President The Institution of Engineers, Kolkata
Prof. Indranil Manna, President, Indian National Academy of Engineers, New Delhi
Clause 3(4)(o)
Not more than two member(s) to be nominated by the Central Government who represent such interests not covered by the foregoing clauses as the Central Government may deem fit.
Prof. Dinesh Kumar, Vice Chancellor, J.C. Bose university of Science and Technology, Faridabad, Haryana
Prof. Balveera Reddy, Former Vice Chancellor, Visvesvaraya Technological university (VTU), Belgavi, Kamataka
Clause 3(4)(p)
The Chairman
University Grants Commission, ex-officio(1)
University Grants Commission, ex-officio(1)
The Chairman, UGC
Clause 3(4)(q)
The Director, Institute of Applied Manpower Research, New Delhi , ex-officio(l)
The Director, IAMR
Clause 3(4)(r)
The Director General, Indian Council of Agricultural Research, ex-officio (l)
The Director General, ICAR
Clause 3(4) (s)
The Director General Council of Scientific & Industrial Research, ex-officio(l)
The Director General CSIR
Clause 3(4)(t)
Member Secretary to be appointed by Central Government(1)
Member Secretary, AICTE